Jock has been developing for many years, and in that time, he has been fortunate to be guided by the spirit with wisdom and techniques to help develop the soul.

This information has been given to to share with those whom Jock has met or read for, or who needed the guidance at the time. With that in mind, this page has been created to give you an insight into those meditations that are available within Jock's own app. All you need to do is to sign up for the newsletter and you will get access to the meditations and the parables that are held within the app.

These are given to you freely and with love in order to help you upon your spiritual journey. These guided meditations are a gift from the spirit through Jock's mediumship that Is given to all those who seek and search for meaning in life.
To date the meditations have been listened to by thousands of people accross the globe and most have experienced their own growth and spiritual development by using them.

Please note, should you listen to one on the podcast, the proper version without any interruptions are within the app.

Get access to my private meditations and prayers

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